Terms & Conditions

Estimated read time 3 min read

Welcome to zzzCreator! By downloading or using our app and website, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

Ownership and Restrictions Our app and website, including any trademarks, copyrights, database rights, and other intellectual property rights related to it, are the property of Monkey Magic cloud ltd. You are not allowed to copy, modify, or attempt to extract the source code of the app or website, any part of it, or our trademarks. You also shouldn’t try to translate the app or website into other languages or make derivative versions.

Changes and Charges We reserve the right to make changes to the app or website or to charge for its services, at any time and for any reason. If we charge you for our app or services, we will make it clear to you what you’re paying for.

Personal Data We store and process your personal data to provide our service. You’re responsible for keeping your phone and access to the app or website secure. We recommend that you do not jailbreak or root your phone, as it may make your phone vulnerable to malware or viruses and compromise your phone’s security features.

Third-Party Services Our app and website may use third-party services that have their own terms and conditions. By using our app or website, you agree to abide by those terms and conditions.

Limitations of Liability We cannot take responsibility for certain things, such as the app or website not working at full functionality if you don’t have an active internet connection. You’re responsible for any charges incurred from your mobile network provider while accessing the app or website. We cannot take responsibility for the way you use the app or website, and we accept no liability for any loss you experience as a result of relying on the app or website.

Updates and Termination We may update the app or website, and you may need to download the updates to keep using it. We may also terminate your use of the app or website at any time without notice. Upon termination, you must stop using the app or website and delete it from your device.

Changes to These Terms and Conditions We may update these terms and conditions from time to time. You’re advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We’ll notify you of any changes by posting the new terms and conditions on this page.

Contact Us If you have any questions or suggestions about our terms and conditions, please contact us at info@zzzcreator.com.